Food & healthy living
We provide children with a healthy and well-balanced diet from an early age. All meals are prepared on the premises by our catering staff. As a Leicestershire County Council ‘Healthy Tots’ accredited setting since 2018, we aim to create a culture and environment that promotes health and wellbeing.
We focus on healthy eating as well as emotional health well-being and physical activity. The menus ensure children’s diets are low in fat, salt and sugar, with the recommended amounts of fibre and iron.
Our weekly deliveries from our local greengrocer ensure fresh vegetables and fruit are offered daily to the children, and the fresh milk is delivered directly from Leedhams Dairy Farm in the village.
Our cook, Karon, has had over 25 years experience in catering and is a qualified baker. This ensures that all our freshly cooked nutritious meals are produced from raw ingredients, we know exactly what is in each meal. Fresh homemade breads, naan breads and bread sticks are part of our daily menu. Cooking from scratch enables dietary requirements to be incorporated into meals reducing the need for children with intolerances to eat a different meal to their peers.

We cater for any dietary needs your child may have including intolerances, allergies, vegetarian, dairy/gluten free etc. We support and provide meals for babies through all stages of weaning onto solid food, through discussion we work in partnership with families.
Our seasonal menus are planned in advance and displayed on the notice board for parents’ information. A child’s daily intake is monitored and recorded. We help children to build the habits of making healthy choices and eating a wide variety of foods. They are not pressured into eating anything they do not wish to eat but are praised and encouraged when they do eat.